How can I be saved?
Salvation is a gift from God that we receive by faith – by believing in & surrendering to Christ.
Here’s what is necessary:
1. Realize that you personally have rebelled against God by choosing to sin. Sin separates us from God, and we desire not to be separated from him, now or in eternity.
2. Put your faith in the fact that Jesus died for your sins & that He is the only way for you to be forgiven. It is not Jesus plus works, baptism, or church membership; it is believing and trusting in Jesus alone.
3. Surrender to Jesus as the Lord of your life and choose to begin living for Him. Salvation is not just believing facts about Jesus; it is committing to his word & giving evidence of that commitment by living for Christ day in and day out.
You can read more about how to be saved in these verses: John 3:16-17, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, and Romans 10:9-10 & 13.
If you have any questions regarding your relationship with Christ, please contact us.